Easy Way to Learn English Verb Tenses / WE TALK. (SIMPLE PRESENT)

Year 2021 is around the corner so we should have new goals, new plans and new actions for this coming year. Improving English ability should be one of your New Year's resolutions.

Verbs are the key to producing English. Therefore, we will look at the verb in this lesson.

Each English verb can be changed into different forms and each form should be used in different situations. Look at different forms of this verb, 'talk'.
V1: talk
V2: talked
V3: talked
V4: talking
V5: talks

Another example is the verb, 'speak', and the following are its five forms:
V1: speak
V2: spoke
V3: spoken
V4: speaking
V5: speaks

This lesson focuses on V1 form.

In this lesson we will discuss these situations where V1 verbs are used.
1. Repeated action
2. Fact now
3. Schedule or timetable
4. Formal announcement
5. News headline
6. Live commentary
7. Story telling

When those situations happen, we still need the right subjects and then V1 verbs can be used in sentences. 

A complete sentence normally has at least one subject (who or what; meaning someone/sb or something/sth) and one verb (to create an action). In the right situations, the following subjects can come with V1 verbs.

1. I talk. [Subject: I]

2. You talk. [Subject: you, referring to 'one person' or 'many people']
- You and Ben talk. [Subject: you and Ben = you]

3. We talk. [Subject: we]
- Lisa and I talk. [Subject: Lisa and I = we]

4. They talk. [Subject: they]
- These boys talk. [Subject: these boys = they]
- The birds talk. [Subject: the birds = they]

Next we will learn from examples/sentences in the right situations and with the right subjects for V1 verbs.

Context: Julian's family are discussing what to do for New Year.
Example: We make New Year's resolutions every year.
SITUATION: repeated action
V1: make

Context: One of his parents' resolutions is to maintain good health so they start reading some info about the human body.
Example: Our bodies need 13 essential vitamins.
SITUATION: fact now
SUBJECT: our bodies (= they)
V1: need

Context: Julian's parents keep reading.
Example: Vitamins come mainly from the foods we eat.
SITUATION: fact now
SUBJECT: vitamins (= they)
V1: come

Context: Julian's family is discussing the trip to another city during New Year holidays and looking at the train schedule.
Example: Most trains leave before 10:20 am.
SITUATION: schedule / timetable
SUBJECT: most trains (= they)
V1: leave

Context: Julian's cousin is getting married at a church on New Year's Eve. Julian can't wait to hear the minister say this at the end of the ceremony.
Example: " I now pronounce you man and wife. "
SITUATION: formal announcement
V1: pronounce

Context: Julian is reading a news headline on New Year's Day.
Example: New Year's Eve celebrations take place around the world.
SITUATION: news headline
SUBJECT: New Year's Eve celebrations (= they)
V1: take

Context: On New Year's Day Julian is watching a live football game between Liverpool and Man City.
Example: "Five Liverpool players come steaming in on Rodri on the halfway line."
SITUATION: live commentary [The journalist or commentator is reporting the game live on TV or on the radio.]
SUBJECT: five Liverpool players (= they)
V1: come

Context: Julian is telling the family the story of a funny movie he watched on New Year's Day.
Example: Those men fantasize about sailing in the air.
SITUATION: story telling
SUBJECT: those men (= they)
V1: fantasize

Wishing everyone health and happiness in the new year, 2021!

Watch the video and LISTEN to me teaching the lesson. Next create your own sentences and start SPEAKing!

[Reminder] Watch the video before starting reading the text and you can see all the pictures together if you click on one of them! You can also use the 'Translate' tool on the blog to help you understand the text. What's better, all the key vocabulary in my examples ranges from elementary to advanced levels (CEFR: A1~C2 / IELTS: 1~9) so you will learn a lot of English words if you keep studying each lesson. You will also benefit more if you use a dictionary to help you. Finally, don't forget to use English in daily life so all the grammar/vocabulary can be stored in your mind easier. While using this language, you are also learning from others and observing when is the appropriate context for different usages. 


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